HEALTHCARE - Pharmacy / Oncology Suites
A clean sterile environment is critical for dispensing and compounding drugs. These areas (Pharmacy or Oncology) require maintaining the proper air flow, Pressurization, temperature and humidity control. Whether your space requires a positive or negative relationship, Critical Room Control uses proven technology to achieve:

  • Best in class accurate, stable and reliable pressurization and climate control
  • Appropriate pressure relationship for containment or migration of drugs
  • Simple and easy to navigate full color touch screen interface for staff
  • Clear unambiguous indication of room status, room occupancy and critical parameters
  • Proper cascading pressure relationship for working envelop
  • Appropriate air change rate to ensure sterile work environment
  • Accurate direct pressure, temperature and humidity measurement and control
  • Monitor/Controller "watch dog" self monitoring function and user diagnostic screens
  • Quick set up with "Quick Config" wizard allowing simple efficient initial start up
  • Full integration with building management systems supporting multiple protocols

Healthcare Applications





PHONE: 414.324.8978      FAX: 612.216.4632